
"Docs Paragraph translate" abbreviated as DPT is an add-on used for Google Docs. The application helps users to translate each paragraph (or a few sentences) in the active Google Docs file by selecting that paragraph and clicking the "Translate" button on the interface of the add-on. When the translation results are available, users can insert them into the Docs file by clicking the "Insert into Doc" button.

DPT further developed a word lookup feature, allowing users to customize translations for better results. This feature also supports users who are learning a new language.

With those features, DPT need to be granted 3 Scopes: 

https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.container.ui to build the interface of the add-on. 

https://www.googleapis.com/auth/documents to read selected text from the Docs file and translate it. The add-on operate with Google Docs then this scope is required.

https://www.googleapis.com/auth/script.external_request to communicate with external dictionary server . The add-on need send the word looking up request, voice-to-speech request, dictionary examples request and those response data.